Dear guests!
Here you find various folders of the region Mariazeller Land to Download – simply click on the folder!
Please note, that the folders are all in german language!
Zimmer- und Gastronomieverzeichnis
Overview about all possibilities for overnight stays and restaurants in the region.
Mariazeller Land
Fahrplanheft 2020
Here you will find all timetables for the buses, the Mariazellerbahn and the Museumstramway
Mariazeller Land
Overview of mountain biking tours, downhill trails, road tours and bicycle service and rental points
Mariazeller Bürgeralpe
Sommer und Winter
Here you will find all information about the family mountain Mariazeller Bürgeralpe
Mariazeller Advent
Mariazeller Advent Folder 2019 with information about the program, guided tours, exhibitions…
Gemeindealpe Mitterbach
Here you will find all information about mountain Gemeindealpe in summer
Gemeindealpe Mitterbach
Here you will find all the information about the fun and action ski area Gemeindealpe Mitterbach
Folder to the cycling path Traisentalradweg with exact stage description and rest stops
Via Sacra
Folder to the pilgrimage routes “Via Sacra” and “Wiener Wallfahrerweg” with directions, restaurants, etc …