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Arch farm "Braschlhof"

Arch Farm “Braschlhof”

What is an “Arch Farm”? This is a place for presentation and breeding of old animal breeds, which are rare today. To be such a farm it is necessary to have at least 3 of this kind of animal breeds on the farm and to fulfill certain criteria concerning the living of these animals.

Guided tours on the farm:

on demand we offer guided tours for school classes etc. It is possible to see three rare animal breeds (mangalitsa pig, Blobe goat, Sulmtaler chicken) as well as other animals (horse, fish, cats,..) and a small museum is also possible to visit. A degustation of home-made products is available.

If you want to know more, we would be pleased to welcome you!


Schools on a farm

Guided tours “Schools on a farm”. The guided tour is possible from 10 persons on demand. On our biologic farm live 7 animal breeds.


Arche Hof Braschl
Familie Paul und Claudia Schneck
Halltal 35, 8630 Mariazell
Phone: +43 (0) 3882/4341 or +43 (0) 664/5158443


Arche Austria

Blobe Ziegen © Florian Schipflinger
Sulmtaler © Mittmannsgruber